Structural Design

Build the WOW Vision – economically, practically

How can you maximise space to its full potential without compromising the structure? Our team of ingenious engineers work with niche architects to develop structurally sound and commercially viable, practical building designs.

No matter how ambitious your plans, the most cost-effective way to build a project is to get it right first time. We review your plans and intentions to determine:

  • Cost effectiveness of the design and build
  • Technical viability
  • The design reflects the project vision
  • Practicality and ease of construction

Collaboration with your design and building teams will help to accurately assess the works required to best achieve your desired end result and help mitigate any potential problems on your project journey.


LESS concrete & columns – Inspiring design at a practical cost

Architects rarely like columns. Most structural engineers rarely like to move them! It is our technical prowess for modern design – creating maximum space with clean lines – and exploring how to minimise the use of concrete that results in a creative and financially viable solution.

We assess the critical areas that could pose a problem to the design. Innovative techniques are then explored along with technical analysis to design the support mechanisms that will seamlessly fit the structure.

3D Design – visualise it, understand it

3D modelling and design brings the precision and detail in our drawings to life, to give you an amazing visualisation of your project goal.

We then engage with the whole construction team to explain – in plain English – what needs to happen, when and why. Clear communication is vital to keep your project on track – and within budget.

Why use SSA Consulting Engineers?

It is our eye for clean modern design and astute commercial awareness that has resulted in a rich portfolio of projects including £multi million hotel developments and bespoke £m+ home building projects. We deliver the WOW vision, economically and practically.

Our technical knowledge and enthusiasm for outstanding design will see us bring new ideas to the table. As part of your team, we are always fast to respond and like to engage with everyone involved to ensure your project can meet its commitment date.

Looking for help with your project?

It is our technical prowess for modern, clean design and astute commercial acumen that results in saving clients’ time and money.

Tell us about your project

G10, Electroline House, 15 Lion Rd, London TW1 4JH
Phone: 02081027974


RBA RBA The Instituition of Structural Enginners Trada member ACE
ISO-9001-UKAS ISO-14001-UKAS ISO-45001-UKAS